Los hijos de pato y Matilda

in Caturday3 months ago


Los hijos de matilda, ya abrieron los ojos y caminan por todo el apartamento, cada dia exploran mas el territorio desconocido que les pertenece antes de partir, ya casi todos tienen un lugar a donde ir, son extremadamente lindos y juguetones, personas de confianza son los que cuidaran de ellos, asi que espero poderlos ver de vez en cuando

"Matilda's children have already opened their eyes and are walking around the apartment. Every day they explore more of the unknown territory that belongs to them before leaving. Almost everyone now has a place to go. They are extremely cute and playful. They are trustworthy people. those who will take care of them, so I hope to be able to see them from time to time"


Un claro ejemplo que el rol de madre, aunque sea gatuno, genera algo de estrés, los niños pasando a la cocina a ver que conseguían y la mama regañándolos para que no lo hicieran.

"A clear example that the role of mother, even if it is cat-like, generates some stress, the children going to the kitchen to see what they got and the mother scolding them not to do it."


Ya están probando nuevas cosas, si nos descuidamos se comen la gatarina de los papas, pero les ponemos el caldito de pollo y con eso al menos se distraen.

"They are already trying new things, if we are not careful they will eat the potatoes' gatarina, but we give them the chicken broth and with that at least they are distracted."


Este es el que mas me gusta, tiene mas genes de pato que los otros, aunque es mas pequeño y recatado que los demás, a penas juega y lo que mas hace es dormir.... Veremos si a medida que va creciendo va actuando mas como el papa.

"This is the one I like the most, it has more duck genes than the others, although it is smaller and more modest than the others, it barely plays and what it does most is sleep.... We will see if it acts as it grows more like the dad."