Les saluda Thor, o pedacito de queso, como le están diciendo ahora en la casa, ya que sus ansias por la comida, lo llevan a estar presente en cualquier sitio con un olor que le llame la atención, mi hermano le estaba probando un outfit a ver que tal, pero como que se sintió muy incomodo
"Hello Thor, or little piece of cheese, as they are now calling him at home, since his craving for food leads him to be present in any place with a smell that catches his attention. My brother was trying on an outfit to see how it looked, but he felt very uncomfortable."
Aquí era como para ver el modelo, están considerando hacer ropa para gatos, el detalle es que con Thor, se le esconde mucho pelo y termina viéndose delgado, le quitan un poco la majestuosidad
"Here it was like seeing the model, they are considering making clothes for cats, the detail is that with Thor, a lot of hair is hidden and he ends up looking thin, they take away a bit of his majesty"
Muy dentro de el, aquí estaba pidiendo auxilio, pero solo duro unos minutos su prueba con el vestuario, creo que quiere adicionar para la segunda pelicular de flow
"Deep inside, he was here asking for help, but his test with the costume only lasted a few minutes, I think he wants to add for the second Flow movie."
Aquí volvemos al protagonista de siempre, el señor pato, que vino a acompañarme a descansar un rato, no suelo dejarlo dormir en mi cama, pero el tiene una mala costumbre de que si ve la puerta abierta, corre y salta directo al colchón, por lo menos, esta vez quiso recostarse conmigo un ratico
"Here we return to the usual protagonist, Mr. Duck, who came to accompany me to rest for a while. I don't usually let him sleep in my bed, but he has a bad habit that if he sees the door open, he runs and jumps straight onto the mattress. At least this time he wanted to lie down with me for a while."
Una vista que te enamora, que no me permitía sacarlo del cuarto
"A view that makes you fall in love, that didn't allow me to get out of the room."
Intento fallido de foto
"Failed photo attempt"
Aquí la foto bonus, de la gata de una amiga, una hermosa gata gris, super coqueta y amigable
espero que les gusten, espero las fotos de sus gaticos, un abrazo enorme y feliz caturday!
"Here is the bonus photo of a friend's cat, a beautiful grey cat, super flirtatious and friendly
I hope you like them, I look forward to seeing photos of your kittens, a big hug and happy caturday!"
Definitely the best thing for Thor is to walk around the house naked hahaha,his "Help" face is very comical. I think Pato could use a dress, because of the type of fur he has. Glad to have read you today, your pets are beautiful, even your friend's cat, sometimes it's easier to photograph them when they are asleep... Happy weekend!.
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