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RE: You never know where you can meet them!

in Caturday3 years ago

Hello, cats are special, you give them love and they give you love, just by accepting our affection and purring, they make us happy. I have one, his name is "Bonito", it is a very nice story, since the mother cat was the one who took him to my house, she passed by, fed him and left him, leaving him in my yard, my daughters and I fell in love with his tenderness and we accepted him as a member of the family.

Hola, los gatos son especiales, tú les das amor y ellas a ti, solo con aceptar nuestro cariño y ronronear, ya nos hacen felices. Yo tengo uno, se llama "Bonito", es una historia muy bonita, ya que la mamá gata fue quien lo llevo hasta mi casa, ella pasaba lo alimentaba y se iba, dejándolo en mi patio, mis hijas y yo nos enamoramos de esa ternura y lo aceptamos como un miembro más de la familia.


Oh, what a story, Bonito can be happy that found a home and a family who could take care of him. I am sure you are giving him all the love a cat can receive 😍
Sorry for the mother cat though.

Yes, he is spoiled and the best thing is that his mother cat is from the house next door, they are always together and he also has a little brother, they come to my yard and play for a while and then each one goes home, like kids hehehehe.

Sí, es un consentido y lo mejor es que su mamá gata es de la casa vecina, siempre están juntos y también tiene un hermanito, ellos llegan a mi patio y juegan un rato y luego cada uno a su casa, como niños jejeje.