How street cats helped us find a doctor's house :)

in Caturdaylast year

Happy Saturday, friends!
Today I will show you how my wife and I were greeted on the way to the doctor.

We had an appointment with a doctor in Jerusalem. The building we needed was located above the road. The fact is that in some areas of Jerusalem the streets are located in the form of terraces on the mountains. Therefore, you need to climb stairs from the road to them. In the first photo you can see where the route passes below and you also see the red-haired stranger who met us there more than once.

This ginger cat is very friendly and sociable. He lives near one of the high-rise buildings on these upper streets. When you meet, he will be happy to talk to you.

When our friends later went to this doctor for an appointment, we said that a sure sign that they were on the right track was if they were met on the stairs by a red cat. And what do you think? He did meet them.

After talking with the red cat, we began to climb up. And there we were met again!

Now we have talked to him too!

This cat was also very kind. He agreed to show us the way further.

At the next turn in the path, the cat said that we would find the way ourselves. And so it turned out: we went out onto the upper street where we needed it. And who do you think we met there first?

Yes, right! Street cats sitting comfortably on a bench.

The black cat turned out to be completely uncommunicative: he immediately left. But the second cat remained in place.

We checked with him whether we were going the right way and moved on. For some reason the black cat didn’t like us at all.

So, thanks to the street cats of Jerusalem, we safely arrived to the address we need. 😀


@maestroali у тебя настоящее кошачье царство))