in Caturday3 months ago

Sunny afternoons finds up to eight cats enjoying the porch...

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Young Mickey has made the cat tree a favorite spot for himself ... Early birds get the best seats ...

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Five of the guys I can get in one shot ...

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Takes another angle to get three more in ...

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Young Patty, Mickey's brother seems contented ...

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Mama has found a "do not disturb" zone ...


The three cats that don't use the porch are all female... Bingo who is a fraidy-cat and spends most of her time living under my lazy_boy chair.. Then there is Black Betty who keeps to herself. She stays in the dinning room but will use the litter boxes in the basement and also visit me upstairs at bed time..

Last but not least is Scary Mary... Who hates all other cats.. Which means a porch full of cats and her will not mix... She will visit the porch on occasion but not stay...