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RE: The pole dancer

in Caturdaylast year

Hello, first of all, I would like to apologize to the owner of the post. I have to ask an off-topic question. Thank you very much in advance for your understanding. I joined the hive blog system 2 days ago. As far as I understand, posts I make using the #trliste tag are inactive. As far as I know, my account has been silenced. I am Turkish and I will produce Turkish content. I have no idea why I'm having such a problem with this. Can I ask for information please? While I was thinking that you could be with me as a community, the opposite happened and I was surprised.


Merhabalar iyi günler, ben topluluk liderimiz @damla ile konuştuğumda o sizinle ilgilendiğini söyledi.

Topluluk ile ilgili yanlis birsey mi yaptim. Tam olarakta anlamiyorum ama kimseye yorum yapamiyorum topluluktan.Merhabalar @damla