One day, I was going to the garden, I found Oreo laying like this and staring at me from this upside-down position. If there was a competition for paying dead, I think Oreo would win! :) I also took some photos when the leaves fell down which was a nice background for cat photo sessions.

Oreo usually joins me when I go to watch the sunsets in the garden and I think she loves to pose! She's so pretty with black&white fur and green eyes - a real model!

As I was saying earlier, sometimes I manage to snap some funny moments and here I caught Oreo yawning - on the first photo she kind of looks like she's evil laughing, haha. It was one of those gloomy November days where all you want to do is sleep so this big yawn truly represents that.
The last two pictures haha. 🤣🤣 I can't! Lol 🤣😆
Haha, yes, I wish I did a zoom in on that face! :D
vaaov good