As I'm going through a period of time that is a little bit stressful and I'm running after a deadline, coming to the garden to watch the sunset has been very helpful. I enjoy the silence, looking and the clouds and sun setting.

Kittens are usually around, just chilling or playing and I am still working on gaining their trust. They are still scared if I come too close and only a couple times I tricked some of them and gave them a nice back cuddle, haha. This happened when I was feeding them so they didn't see my hand coming towards them.

On this specific evening, I had this black and white furry friend as company and it seemed that he/she also liked the atmosphere as long as I keep my distance. :) I was thinking about naming all the kittens but the problem is there are four all white, the same looking ones so I don't know how to make a difference between them.

If I had to pick a name for this one it would probably be Oreo - I know it's not the most original but I really don't have good ideas when it comes to pet names.

I guess watching the sunset can get a little bit boring for a playful kitten and climbing a tree seems a lot more exciting! Our peach tree is a small one, perfect for these kittens to practice their climbing skills.
It's great that you took the time out to be in nature and chill with the cat despite working towards a deadline.
Sunsets are great for resetting our minds, and cats do have a calming effect and are great for helping us to relax.
Beautiful scenes of nature.Hello @nikolina
I totally agree with you! Watching the sunsets has been my favorite thing for so long, even if I spend only a few minutes in the garden with this view I feel so much better. :)
Cats have been a great company, they are becoming more friendly and I even got to pet two of them yesterday which made me very happy! :D
Cat names are a funny thing. My bestie is named Sammi Jo.
If my wife and I would have had children Samantha was on the top of the list for a girl.
Oreo is good.
We often name our rescues here at the "Pookyville Cat Ranch" after something about them. Something they may do.
We could not decide what to call my latest rescue. So we just call him "Lil Guy"
Also known as "The Miracle Kitten" click on blue Lil' Guy to see video of his rescue.
We have one named Hallie Blue (Rescued near Halloween)
You could have named him/her "Bob". Like the movie "Street Cat named Bob"
What a good movie that was... =^,,^=
In my family, we love the most strange names for our pets! The dog in my childhood era, was a enormous greek shepard dog and we called her "Sardela" which means sardine in greek! It was really funny to call with a name of a tiny fish a huge dog!
Hahaha, that is so funny! :D
Maybe I should get more creative with cat names. :)
The kittens have sure grown! Loved the light in the first set of photos.
Yes, they are growing fast!
Thank you! :)