For the past few days, I noticed how Luna become aloof. I don't know if it's just natural or some kind of reaction to something, but yeah, he became a little cold to us. Before when I get home, he really greets me by clinging to my legs. However, I noticed that ever since Muning and Maning arrived, he became a little distant from us. Maybe it's his way of expressing his jealousy, but at least it's not an extreme expression like what Minggay has done before.
I once shared that Minggay slaughtered kittens before. We were really terrified when we saw him bringing bloodied and almost dead kittens inside our house (and it was middle of Day of the Dead offering night!), so as much as possible since then we kept our male cats from kittens. Minggay's gone so Luna's the only male cat in our house, so we keep him away from those kittens. Since they slept inside our room, we didn't allow him inside it anymore and I think because of that, he felt bad and decided to give us the cold shoulder.
He now most of the time spends his time either outside of our house or at my grandma's house. It didn't rain today so as usual he's out there sleeping on top of the grass. That's really the spot that he mostly stays, and I know he's still not over the cold shoulder treatment because the moment he noticed my presence, he stood up from his cozy bed of grass and walked away.
Anyway, I'm determined to somehow appease him, so I look for a way to lessen the bad feeling he's holding against me lately. And I think the most trusted way of appeasing a cat in a bad mood is to give him food, and so—food it is. He's really into bread, so I gave some to him. However, after eating it, he still gave me the cold treatment so when I finished my lunch I decided to feed him myself. My mom's usually the one that feeds them, but today I decided to be the one that feeds him. Indeed food is really the fastest way to a cat's heart because after feeding him he's back with his usual clingy self. Well, for now...
All the pictures used were taken by yours truly, ridgette and the gifs were generated by imageflip.
Thank nyaaaaa ⊂(≧ﻌ≦)つ
Haha I can't relate because I only have one cat. But, yeah, you're cat is adorable.
Thanks nyaa! Having more than one cat is fun until you realize that you need to feed them... The struggle is real especially when there are new ones that don't understand how to share yet hehe
Btw, thanks for stopping by and hope to see you around~
I guess sometimes they just really need their own personal space without us hoomans crossing it. But yeah, food is the best way to capture their heart. Luna is adorable 😻 I love that line of black on his forehead. Muning and Maning too.
Yes, there are really those times we hoomans need to give them space, but of 'course I still can't ignore him all day—and the marking! Luna had a lot of carbon copy cats here in our place because his fur color is pretty common, but thankfully he had that adorable marking that makes him distinguishable among them. Btw, thanks for stopping by and hopefully I gotta see you around ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ!