I haven't been very successful with crypto either. I'm not very smart when it comes to trading and financial stuff. I usually make bad decisions and end up losing money. But I tell myself that it's only a hobby and it doesn't matter if I win or lose as long as I'm having fun playing the game.
I would code a trading bot, but I think it would just end up costing me money rather than making money.
I think you need more CAT coins. Hehe! That will take your mind off of shit coins for a bit.
It's been so long; let's see if I remember how to do this.
!CATtip 250 CAT
How are you.?
I haven't talked to you in a very long time.
I thank you for the upvotes you have given so far.hello @saboin.
speaking of crypto, I had the same experience as you. I also lost a lot of money. I did something very risky and very stupid.
last year crypto dogecoin was amazing. it intrigued me. and I believe this crypto will make me rich. until finally I took a loan at the bank and bought it in large quantities.
after i bought it the price of dogecoin crashed. dropped very drastically. made me lose a lot of money. and at that time I was very stressed. because they have to cover the bank installments every month.
and in the end I decided to sell my power hive. I'm really very unlucky.
@saboin ... you seem to be someone who has lot more things to do in life than crypto which is good(: well diversified, and crypto turns out to be a interesting hobby for you that will pay you back well someday...
Yes, emotions have to be put aside in the field... unfortunately when your so serious on crypto and have nothing else much to do in life... it hurts, because its not just money I invested in crypto, I invested my mind and energy and yes its definitely given me and taught me so much more...
about financial system and powers and society and problems of how system is today and such things... and this field has so much in it, you never get bored, amazing stories and novel ways to do things... its disruptive.
We make mistakes in investing as in life... but ultimately wealth creation is neccessary as pay back for all those efforts... so it feels like wasted efforts...
Keeping balanced in life and investing is always good... having other things to do but having exposure to crypto at same time.
I hope people are able to build that eqaution...
Thanks for coming over and supporting almost all my posts and being my regular, silent visitor...
Thise cat coins are invauable as well... its ensure dividents with cuddle kitten's visit every now and then followed by @catnet support.
So, nice my cats have earned so much love from cat lovers like you and @fraenk and others...
Thankyou for everything,crypto comments, cat love etc...definitely made me smaile, making me smile even now!!
sent successfullyyour tip of 250 CAT towards @mintymile was