Another Caturday Catsnaps of Chej'u =^..^= by Sunscape

in Caturday5 days ago



These older photos are of my girl Chej'u sitting on the back porch with me during the summer. She loved watching all the birds at the feeders.


Now that it's winter, she spends the majority of her day lying in my bed. Sometimes I have to wait for her to get out of it to make my bed.

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Take a look at her expression, I asked her to move to make the bed and she gave me attitude. lol

Happy Caturday to all you feline lovers out there.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

3- sun smile.jpg


How old is sleepy Chi Jew ?

Hi Mike, Cheju is 15 1/2 now. Lazy as can be too. Jerry and the crew are looking good.

Thanks, Cheju looks good, not showing her age ..

Very funny expression on the cat’s face! The boss waster very happy that you woke her up!


Remind me how old Chej'u is?

Chej'u is 15 1/2 now and getting lazier now that Mika is here. lol

Wow! She's getting up there!