Caturday Catsnaps - by Sunscape

in Caturdaylast year (edited)


It is just another lazy Saturday for my little princess. She can always be found lying in the very middle of my bed.


Can you see the bit of attitude she is giving me for disturbing her peaceful nap? She certainly does not like her picture taken at all.


She got up and moved to the upper corner of the bed and put her ears back warning me to leave her alone. I have to laugh at her antics considering how well taken care of she is.


After a few moments she decided to ignore me and give herself a little bath. Take that mom! Happy #Caturday to all my feline friends.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing Your Day

3- sun smile.jpg


She is ADORABLE..!!

Oh I know attitude. My hubby is @krazzytrukker and I am Sammi Jo's Momma Pet human... lol

Your cats are beautiful and look just like my Chej'u

Very smart cat! She thinks she owns the bed! You have to behave nicely or she might not give you and Christmas present!

She does own my bed and she left me a nice furball on it yesterday. Yuk!

Fur ball could be useful for birds who might use it to line their nests!

Your cat looks to good to be real 🤣

The girls used to say that about me @manorvillemike before I got old and ugly.

"Oh KrazzyTrukker your 👀 too good to be real."

As long as you think so.. That's what counts..

I'll send her to you and you can see for yourself, lol.

I am already way over my limit of cats, thank you ..


How are you dear friend @sunscape good afternoon
Cats have a lot of personality and little patience, it doesn't surprise me that they like having their pictures taken.
Without a doubt, she looks well cared for and beautiful, as you say, she is the princess of the house.
May you enjoy the weekend

Thank you, she is a princess with so much fur to always clean up, ;-)

OMG ..!

I had forgotten Samantha had a Hive twin. But refresh my memory. Is Princess her name.?

Hi @krazzytrukker my ragdoll's name is Chej'u but she thinks she is a princess who rules the house. lol