Can you see the angry look in the eyes of this cat?
I don’t blame it.
It discovered some garbage for dinner, and I am standing there in front of it, ready to take a photo of it while eating.
I don’t think it needs any curious paparazzi like me.
It doesn’t look for any attention, unless I have an edible treat to offer it that it is better than this garbage.
Otherwise, I should really mind my own business and go on my way.
Curiosity ate the cat, but, in this case, it’s the other way round.
If this cat was one of its bigger feline relatives living in the jungle, for example, a wild tiger or panther, I think that I would be much more careful when trying to get closer to it.
But this is only a cat living among humans.
We take it for granted that it won’t attack a human.
It is humans that attack cats by making the environment a hostile place for them to live in.
If this cat can’t find even some garbage to feed itself with, it will starve, and leave this mortal world to join its ancestors sooner than later.
Isn’t it a pity?
Poor animal.