On Reading, and Interrupting the Cat

in Caturday3 years ago

I was very recently - yesterday - at a local used bookstore (yes, they do still exist) with one of my boys. He was looking for Manga and I was looking for... well.. honestly I was just looking to get out of the house. But then I came across this.


Marvel Comics has, for a long time, had a title named "What if...?" that explored various parts of the Marvel Universe that may have been if certain stories had been told differently, such as, "What if Uncle Ben didn't die?" "What if the Fantastic Four never went into space?" and so forth.

So, this book is like that, but with real world implications. This book discusses what may have been if, say, Alexander the Great never became Great. The fallout would be far, wide, and survive to this day, as Alexander the Great really was the "father" of western civilisation as we know it. Or, what if Napoleon didn't invade Russia? What if the Assyrians were successful in sacking Jerusalem? Would there be a Jewish people? What about Christianity, or Islam? Interesting questions to say the least.

Well, it turns out that my cat is interested in these same philosophical questions as well. She found the book and began to guard it. I guess she was imbibing the knowledge by osmosis.


This is either "Excuse me, can't you see I'm reading?" or, "Reading makes me so sleepy, I'm ready for a nap."


I'm sure she's got a lot to say. Unfortunately it all comes out as meow.

(c) All images and photographs, unless otherwise specified, are created and owned by me.
(c) Victor Wiebe

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Amateur photographer. Wannabe author. Game designer. Nerd. 
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Oh Man! What a good book this sounds like. I like to ponder a lot of that kind of stuff, but don't always have all the unanswered answers.. lol. So.. How is it so far? did you get into it yet?

Kitty seems to like it! hehe

I think the cat has been able to spend more quality time with that book so far than I have! 😂 I've gotten through the introduction and the first essay. Pretty neat so far!

I've been reading rather voraciously myself over the past year or so... lots of classics like Silas Marner, 1984, Brave New World and Camus' The Plague... just finished a book of essays about archetypal literature through an Albanian lens. I !LUV it... and I hope your new book is as good as it sounds. Cheers! :)

Thanks! So far it has been a really good read. I want to start reading more and figure there's no time better than right now. I've got my next book lined up already, too!

Nice! Which one is next? I'm reading "The Hero With a Thousand Faces" by Joseph Campbell right now, then I might get into "Slaughterhouse Five" by Kurt Vonnegut. 📚

Next one is The Gift by Edith Eger. @creativemary actually put me on to this one.

I've read "The Hero With a Thousand Faces" before! Or at least large sections of it. Joseph Campbell is a thick, thick read, but thoroughly enjoyable!

Man I used to get punished with books, and now I can't find a more comfortable place. I'm not the smartest guy but reading is just mentally exploring. And I also have a "Goodwill grabs" segment. And great books have been a great grab!!

I used to read a lot, then stopped. For a very long time. It's a habit I want to return to. I'll need to look for your Goodwill segments!