Greetings earthlings
Good day to all you Beer Saturday boozers, tipplers anf drinkers from the 4 corners of our beautiful little spinning blue globe. Pull up a seat and grab your favourite beer you Care-free Corneliuses!
We have sunshine here on our lovely little emerald Isle again this week. Back to school time is like a magnet for sunshine, and rarely disappointments. The mercury is tipping 25 degrees celcius here - stop laughing those of you in hotter climes!! 😊
That is hot for an Irishman, whose milky white skin is made out of marshmallow! To be fair, while that description captures lots of my friends, it doesn't really apply to me, as I'm from Galway and many of us have Spanish blood, but i won't go into that history lesson now, for this is a post about beer.
Corona with lime
I'm not sure what is about an icy cold Corona with a big chunk of juicy lime. It just epitomises sunshine for me in a way few other drinks do, with the exception perhaps of a pint bottle of bulmers cider and pint glass full of ice. That little combo is another sunshine winner.
Anyway it's a bit of an institution on a hot day, so I opted for them when at the supermarket, and they were on special to at 12 bottles for €12, so it was a win/win.
Hardly touched the sides
This first one hardly touched the sides, as I had a decent thirst built up, after doing the cutting in prep work on my shed, which is next on my painting hitlist.
The cutting in is slow and even more so when you have these keystones on your house and shed. They are a painters nightmare, especially when you're changing from yellow to white like I am 🤣
I'm almost there now with the outdoor painting though, which is good as it depends on good weather. I had another few cold ones and they went down well.
beer & !PIZZA
$PIZZA@ablaze! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @menzo.
Did you know you can spend $PIZZA on games in the $Pizza Store? (1/10)
Nice one thank you 🍕👍
Lots of fresh drinks here
Yes, fresh is the perfect word actually 🎬
Thanks man
Great Beer Saturday post, @ablaze! I had a nice tall Summit EPA at a ballgame yesterday. Darn it, I should have caught a picture for beer saturday, especially since I drink beer about quarterly. Ha ha.
Good luck with your painting. The cutting in is always the biggest PITA, but once you're done the rest will be smooth sailing. I love the actual painting part! Prep work, not so much.
Ah yes you should have joined us for Beer Saturday at the ball game! Next time 👍
I actually quite like painting myself, i put on some music and am in contemplative form. This album is what I listened to, Declan O'Rourke - Arrivals
A couple of tracks from the album...
Oh my, thank you for introducing me to him, @ablaze. What a stunning and resonant voice he has. The instrumentals set the perfect mood for artistic creation!
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Hey @ablaze, here is a little bit of from @rynow for you. Enjoy it!Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your