Beer Saturday week 400, spending over 10 hive dollars in celebration of beer week.

in BEER8 hours ago (edited)

There is a saying that "All work without play make jark a dull boy" am always a fans of enjoyment cause life is a short one, so if you have the opportunity, you need to chill out and have some funs at some times.

I want to talk about Orijin beer. A very popular drink in the country, this drink is been produce by Daiego/Guinness Nigeria PLC. A herbal mixed drink. And its acholic rate is at 5.5%.

So i decided to pay a visit to one of the 5star hotel in Aba to chill small with friends, people were ordering Orijin beer, and one of friend ask me about the drink, which i give him a highlight because its one of my best brand of drink. We make an order for one bottle for each. But its Happen that the drink is so sweet for one to take only one. At time go we keep ordering more because of the sweet taste of the drink.

Just like the name of the drink its Original and a well natural drink,the taste aren't all that bitters but just a mixture of sweet and a litter bit bitter, which make its so sweet and natural infact one thing i love about the drink is that its doesn't cause headache like the other drink. But so far you have the rate of your acholic capabilities you are good to go.

Unlike other acholic drink Orijin bear does not contain barley or hobs but its made with African herb and fruit.

#water #sugar #alcohol #natural plants like kola nut, bitter orange peel, wormwood, oakwood and prune.

(The drink in a glass )

We didn't just have only the drink but we add its some protein like barbeque. A very sweet mixture, there is a local langs that "Alcohol without some protein is partial stroke" 😄.

Fish or meat is the best combo for its incase you want to enjoy its to the fullest, so i can boldly says that i have a nice day.

See you all next time.