Ok Hiver beer beverage fans I have an admission to make. For medical reasons I have not touched alcohol for the last year. Not all bad, It’s one of the reasons I’ve lost a bit of weight and I’ve not missed waking up with a hangover on the odd occasion.
Anyway @scubahead brought me back a present yesterday so I may as well jump back in with both feet.
I was told the %ABV is around 4.5% but if my recollection of home brews thats about normal. Well it pours nicely but I did it very gently so not much of a head. It’s rich and very dark as a good porter should be.
He has a recently visited a friend who has started down the home brew rabbit hole and brewed according to @scubahead a very nice Plum Porter so he brought me back a bottle.
It certainly smells very plummy and has a really fruity taste.
So I hope @scubahead can bring me back another bottle once the next batch is brewed.
Always the best when friends are hooking you up!
Free beer and tasty beer what’s not to like.
I once helped a friend with homebrewing, but never had the guts to brew myself :) Hats off to @scubahead!
My dad used to do it when I was younger but I don't recall it was very successful.