BEERSATURDAY in black and white

in BEER7 months ago

Been a little while since I did a beer post but after trip up to the Topsham Brewery in Exeter it would be rude not to.

Situated in one of the old warehouse buildings alongside the Exeter Canal Basin. Some of the extensive range of beers are brewed on the premises.

It is a hot day and cold cider is a bit more appropriate than beer. A nice glass of Devon Red went down very well. Brewed by Sanford Orchards near Crediton north of Exeter. Fruity and very smooth the only danger is it’s very drinkable and sitting in the sun it’s very easy to sink a few more than you should if your driving.



like those bricks in B&W picture

Thanks I’ve been taking a lot more B&W lately.

i like the style!

should do the same! tks for the inspiration

I find it makes you think about the photos a lot more and I've even been taking some old school B&W film with a camera I've had for about 50 years.

totally agree, cause the light need to be perfectly aligned with capture

wow, 50 yrs old, some a picture of that camera if possible. nice

It's a Rollei 35 B I did a post back in May. Everything seems fine apart from the built in selenium light meter that has degraded.

I missed that post. Nice. Tks my friend. For the attention. Have a great week