Beer Diary - Beer & Yakisoba

in BEER2 months ago


I'm participating in The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 396.
Thanks @detlev for hosting the fun event every week!


How do working moms manage to prepare meals everyday? I’m not working 12 or 13 (I forget which I did before 💦) days in a row anymore, but after work, I’m completely exhausted. I’d just skip dinner altogether, have a beer and some nuts, and call it a day if I could haha. On days I work at the café, I get home a little earlier, but on other days, I don’t get home until after 7:30 pm. It used to be past 9 pm so this is actually an improvement… but for some reason lately, my husband and my daughter are distracted by other things when it’s dinner time, which makes it even more of a hassle. I could probably get away with not cooking, but at the same time, I kind of have to!

When I ask my daughter what she would like to eat, a lot of time she says, “I already ate. I don’t need dinner.” But if I cook, she eats it anyway! My husband works night shifts, so he doesn’t mind having dinner late… which honestly just makes things more complicated.

This morning, before heading out to work, I opened the fridge and found a bit of leftover veggies and some fried tofu. Cabbage, carrots, zucchini, and a little green onion. My husband was eating out, so it was just me and my daughter… which meant tonight’s menu was yakisoba! I got home and had it ready in 20 minutes. How about that! I had time to open a beer too!

The beer is a West Coast Pale Ale from a local brewery, 33 Acres Of Ocean. The label design is simple and has a handmade feel. I like it. And the ale was absolutely delicious.

Here’s yakisoba. Yakisoba is kind of like a Japanese soul food. So no matter how you try to plate it fancy, it’s YAKISOBA! Lol

To all the moms and dads out there, and of course to all the non moms and non dads, Cheers to you! Have a wonderful weekend!




久しぶりにBeer Saturdayに参加します。
今週はThe #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 396


働くお母さん達はどうやって毎日ご飯の用意をしてるのでしょう?さすがにもう12?13?(どっちか忘れた💦) 連勤はしませんが、仕事の後はヘトヘトで、出来るなら夕食なんて食べずにビールとナッツでも食べて一日を終えたいです、笑 カフェ勤務の時はもう少し早く帰宅できますが、そうでない時は帰宅が7時半を過ぎます。以前は9時を過ぎることもあったので良くなった方なのですが…でも最近どういうわけか、主人や次女ちゃんが夕食の時間になると他のことに気を取られていて、余計に大変というか、どちらでも良さそうなんだけれど作らないわけにはいかないし!な状況です。



こちらのビールは 33 Acres Of OceanというローカルブルアリーのWest Coast Pale Aleです。主人が買ってきてくれました。シンプルで手作り感があるラベルのデザインが素敵です。とっても美味しいエールでした。




That’s all for today.

Thanks for visiting!




"It looks delicious!"


Hey, @djynn I was literally watching a documentary on Yakisoba the other day lol. It talked about how it's super popular in Japan. Definitely have to try it one of these days. 😊

Documentary of Yakisoba?!?!!! That is very interesting! I actually don’t know the history behind it. I should look it up.
It is very popular. You can buy the instant noodle style or semi instant one like I used. It comes with noodle and seasoning, or some japanese restaurants out here serves it as well. In japan it is mostly popular at the festival food stands. I’m getting hungry! I hope you get to try it one day!

Sorry for the late reply. The documentary is called Yakisoba - Japan Delish from NHK world Japan. I really like their documentary style and the different types of topics they talk about. Definitely a good watch. 👍 I will fly over there one and try some. 😊




 2 months ago  

BEERHey @djynn, here is a little bit of from @borsengelaber for you. Enjoy it!

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