Goats, Empanadas and Beer

in BEERlast year


Lets start with the goat on #beersaturday, seeing as goats are apparently very popular at least here in the Old North State.

This particular goat was one of four goats and two baby calves that were at a local brewery today.


I know crazy right! But you need to learn something new everyday.

Today I learned that if you want parents to show up for a beer or ten with their kids (no pun intended) in tow just advertise that you are bringing some goats.

Throw in a food truck serving funnel cake and every sugar junky in the County shows up!


The best way to describe a "funnel cake" is deep fried drizzled pancake topped with powdered sugar. Absolutely nothing nutritional about it but dang does it hit the sweet tooth.


I am getting to the beer, I promise but I learned something new today that must be shared.

So, after a busy morning of around the house getting ready for Christmas, the Mrs. @handofzara, the boy who happened to be home this weekend and yours truly decided it was time for a nice cold brew at one of the local breweries.


A German Pilsner that the boy had for his first round, and come to think of it his second round as well.

The Mrs. @handofzara was hesitant to tag along but I promised her some food and so she came and had an empanada, along with some other dish made of corn flour and cheese.


All was quiet and quite normal with a few folks and their dogs enjoying a bright day in the not so cold sunny South.

I myself took a walk on the wild side with a Sour, which is a beer brewed with rhubarb, strawberries and blueberries.


For my next round I had an Irish Red Lager.


While enjoying the Irish Red Lager, a pick up truck rolled in with an animal trailer in tow. Inside the trailer were four goats and two calves.

Then something amazing happened, something I had never in all my born days seen at a brewery before.

Suddenly, a whole host of people came out of nowhere to see and pet and feed the goats!

I mean dang they is just goats!

However, I knew, for the first time in my life, that the best beer salesmen in the world must be goats!

And you want to know how I know that goats are the best beer salesmen int he World?

I went for round three and there was a line out the door!


Do you see what I see?

The dang place ran out of clean glasses and had to serve the beer in plastic cups!

I have been to this brewery many a time and never had I ever had a beer in a plastic cup before.

So the thing I learned and the thing that I share today, is if you want to sell beer - hire a goat!


See y'all next #beersaturday.


Perfectly true. We actually need to keep learning something new every Blessed day

I am feeling hungry and i just saw your post and feeling hungry more.

That beer is really red....

I thought the goats were going to end up in the empanadas xD

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Till now actually, I have not been able to see a beer

I wonder how goat and beer relate
Do people love goats that much there

looks like a nice beer.