Throw Backs

in BEERyesterday

For this #Beersaturday I'm going to discuss some throw back beers, one's that I've drank and reviewed in the past and recently revisited again. I'm running out of new beers to try at the store it seems. I've tried almost all of the ones that are appealing to me so I've been purchasing more that I know I like. I don't know if I need to say this but this is still new content, new photos and new writing so nothing is being regurgitated... Disclaimer, disclaimer, Yeah yeah yeah. Okay let's see the beers.

The Barn Raiser


Brewery: Oast House Brewers
Origin: Niagara on the Lake, ON Canada
Style: Country Ale / Pale Ale
Abv: 5.0%
IBU: Unknown
SRM: Unknown


I've drank and reviewed this one previously but I thought that I'd revisit it again. My synopsis of the my drinking experience this time around is as follows:


It had a nice golden color with a hearty foam on top. Hoppy aroma with notes of grapefruit and pineapple, and maybe some... pine... in there as well? Very mild and subtle sweetness with a strong bitter finish that immediately wipes away any of the sweet. The bitterness lingered in the mouth for quite some time afterwards. Nice amount of carbonation with a light bodied mouthfeel.


It was a good beer that was characterized by a hoppy fruity and floral aroma and a strong bitterness. I enjoyed it this time for sure.

Junction Craft Pilsner


Brewery: Junction Craft Brewing Co
Origin: Toronto, ON Canada
Style: German Style Pilsner
Abv: 4.5%
IBU: Unknown
SRM: Unknown


A very colorful can and I love the design. Fresh malty aroma of grass, cereals, and bread. Crisp clean taste. Dry, tangy and bitter. Pleasant mouthfeel with decent carbonation.


Great beer all around for me, even on this cold winter day.

Black Coal Stout


Brewery: Railway City Brewing Co
Origin: St. Thomas ON Canada
Style: American Stout
Abv: 6.0%
IBU: Unknown
SRM: Unknown


A striking black can with yellow and white accents. Steam engine breaking through a coal glass mosaic wall. The engine might be a new design feature or maybe I just never noticed it before. Its pretty cool can in my opinion.


The color of this beer was a rich opaque black with a mocha colored head. In the nose there were distinct roasted notes with leather and smoke. The taste was sweet and tangy up front with a hefty bitterness in the finish to balance it all out. This beer had a huge amount of flavor with notes of cocoa, dark chocolate and coffee. The texture was pleasant with a good amount of carbonation and an overall great mouthfeel.


My impression: this is a great beer. One of my favorites for sure. A quintessential American stout beer that I buy regularly.

Easy Going Lager


Brewery: Nickel Brook Brewing Co
Origin: Burlington ON Canada
Style: Lager
Abv: 4.1%
IBU: Unknown
SRM: Unknown


Cool retro can design. Pale yellow liquid with a billowy head. Fragrant aroma with notes of citrus and cereals. Tangy taste with low bitterness, and a sharpe carbonation. Very refreshing. It would be better in the summer for me but I thoroughly enjoy this beer.


Well thats it for my throw back beers. Until next time, thanks for stopping by. Cheers everyone!


Ah those are some familiar breweries except Oast Hpuse which I have yet to even hear about. Strange as I am always on the hunt for a new craft brewery and having just visited the Niagara region for a win and beer tour.

On of my favourite breweries for many years is Nickel Brook because of their Headstock IPA and other but I have never visited in person. I really have to correct that and get a #beersaturday tour up to share.

Cheers to the !BEER

Yeah there are so many craft beers out there it's impossible to know them all, especially the smaller brew pub ones that aren't in the LCBO. Oast House was in the LCBO this time but I don't see it regularly. I'm fairly close to the Niagara region so that could be part of it as well?

Nickel brook is a great Brewery. Last time I was there was well over a decade ago. I'm sure it has changed a lot since then