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RE: Chocolate, Oatmeal, Festive, Golden

in BEERlast year

At least you got a decent one with the oatmeal stout. I have found that chocolate stouts can be a little oversweet. It's a tricky balance that only a few get right but when they do it's usually awesome!


Yes I agree. When they are good they are really good. There was an excellent Double Chocolate Stout that I tried many years back that I used to see at the store every year around this time but I haven't been able to find it the past couple of years. I think its because the Liquor store has pretty much stopped selling beers in bottles (other than a select few) and has basically forced companies to switch to cans. That beer was an import and was in a bottle, so that's my guess.

I think you might be right. I have noticed the move to cans. It's rare to see some craft beers in a bottle these days.

All this talk of beer and I am feeling a thirst coming on! 😀

Yeah I think the cans are a little lighter and slightly easier to store since they are all consistent and have flat tops. They also crush down are are probably easier to recycle. That's my guess for the push in that direction.

Happy drinking

I reckon that will be the case. Far cheaper to manufacture.

And it's always happy drinking!! 😀😀