A Saturday for The Stout Soft work in the End

in BEER3 months ago

This my entry for week 389 of the BEER and fun challenge, the real #beersaturday post for this weekend. I look forward to every weekend to post my #beersaturday post after a fulfilled week. Today, I will be posting about the Guinness Extra Stout for #beersaturday by @detlev. When it comes to beer selections, there are varieties. And, people have their choices and what exactly they tend to enjoy. I have mine too, but for the sake of #beersaturday, I have the chance to have a taste of at least a different beer every weekend and I must confess that this have given me a new and different experience.

This is a beer that has been in existence for a very long time now. Maintaining quality taste for over two hundred years now, is something that is remarkable. This means that that is no man alive at the moment that was existing when Guinness Extra Stout started production. And,having been for over 200 years means that it has served over seventy four (74) generations. And un-top of that still maintains top quality taste, brand and name.

Today, being Saturday, as I have some unfinished tasks at the office, I decided to go and round up for the week, sothat I have have a clean and neat table on Monday. I went to the nearby mall and bought myself a bottle of chilled beer and a bottle of table water. One thing I love to do during any consumption of beer is that I always want to stay and remain hydrated at all times. Each sip of the beers gives me motivation to take on the next task on my list and I clear it in no time. If beer is to be allowed during official working hours, I will definitely be a fan.

Before taking my beer I ensure that my glass cup is rinsed and free of any form of dirt or dust

Guinness stands tall and Bold you can see it

The Extra in the name is not additional quantity but quality

Dark is the color, thick is the taste

Pouring it you will salivate unconsciously

Inside is sexy, what does it look like?

Not toon foamy

All photographs are mine, taken with my Samsung Galaxy A24


Cheers! 🍻
Guinness is always a good choice!