Leffe Triple - A heavy but delicious beer !!

in BEER2 months ago

Source The old Brewery

This weekend I felt like having a nice triple beer, my choice fell on the Leffe Tripel. I often drink beers from Leffe but the tripel is still my favorite (by the way in general I often find the tripel beers the tastiest, they are a bit heavier).

Leffe is a Belgian Abbey beer that was previously brewed by the Norbertines of the Abbey of Leffe and goes back (I looked it up) to 1240. Unfortunately, Abbey beers in original breweries are becoming increasingly scarce and are mainly bought up by the large breweries. For example, Leffe has been taken over by Brouwerij Artois, which is now part of AB InBev, a global brewery organization with many brands. I personally think that is a shame, it becomes so impersonal, but I understand it if you want a beer to be able to maintain its right to exist.

By the way, there are a lot of delicious beers coming from Belgium, I always want to go to the brewery of La Chouffe, the gnome beer :) . but anyway, I still want so much :)

Have a nice evening and cheers,



  • Type: Abbey beer, Tripel
  • Alcohol percentage: 8.5%
  • Brewery: Brouwerij Artois (part of AB InBev)
  • Origin: Belgium


That is pretty sad that they became another victim of inBev. I don't really hate inBev, but I do agree with you that the small breweries like that have a certain charm and it is sad to see them get gobbled up.

Yes it is, but somehow it seems to be the only way to survive or (maybe more realistic) the big money is talking?

Yeah, that does seem to be the case!