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RE: Two to Drink and One to Throw Away

in BEER9 months ago

Haha that is what you get for diving into boring lagers! ;)

Actually the light weight was a surprise for me as far as how tasty it was for being a lawnmower beer. Surprisingly yummy and a good personality when other light lagers are boring and uninspiring.

I love me some Great Lakes but it is ipa all the way with those guys. I have a couple new ones from them to feature this week.

As for triple bogey, that is just bull shit beer marketed specifically for golfers and was never destined to be anything but that. I would just hate drink it rather than pour it down the drain. I agree with you on that one too.

So funny to have company on #beersaturday from this region and see the familiar labels!


So you've tried Triple Bogey - I'm glad I'm not alone in my impression of it. A small part of me was doubting myself. I tried drinking it after I exercised a little and was a bit dehydrated so I thought afterwards that maybe that was the reason. But I've done that before and found beer to be very refreshing also... so again, I wasn't sure. Sounds like I was right though - it's a shit beer. I definitely trust your opinion 👍.

Yeah lightweight was a good one.

So funny to have company on #beersaturday from this region and see the familiar labels!

So true!

Ps love the "hate drink it" phrase. 🤣

Oh ya it is awful. There is an amber that is slightly less terrible and I will grab one of those if I am golfing and there is absolutely no other beer.

It's good to know that there is an amber one as well, so I can avoid it. I may grab it by mistake 😂