Greetings fellow wizards!
Tonight, I did an Ikoira Draft online, and I drafted a solid deck!
I got 7 wins with a Rakdos menace deck.
I won 6 in a row, and decided to chronicle the deck, and hit record right before I got squashed in one game.
I still got to 7 though, and now I have enough gems to draft Zendikar when it goes to quick draft.
The world is going to shit, but at least we can still play some games!
Nice deck, congrats on your 7:1 record! I drafted Ikoria a lot, but never went this route. I think you could have made even better use of Weaponize the Monsters in your second recorded game. When your opponent played Flycatcher Giraffid, they had all their lands tapped, so after your attack, instead of playing Ferocious Tigorilla, you could have safely sacrificed both your creatures and deal 4 damage to your opp (they were at 3 life at that point). You were probably winning in your next turn anyway, but when we find a play that lets us win right away, we should go for it. It prevents the opponent from doing something nuts (gaining life, playing a ridiculous bomb, etc.) and taking over the game. It seemed very unlikely in your situation, but let's keep in mind that it was Duke of Nutz you were playing against. ;)
Lol. I shouldn't have underestimated the Duke of Nutz.
I'm looking forward to drafting Zendikar. I don't even know what most of the cards do yet.
I haven't drafted Zendikar yet, but I had a nice 7:0 run in my first Sealed. Here's the whole playlist if you're interested, but I speak Polish in these videos:
Unfortunately, my two next Sealed Events weren't that good and ultimately I lost some gems. :P