Panalo to.
Hindi na magandang platform yung FB for blogging. The place created so many things that could distract you from reading someone's content that it's no longer rewarding to grow a fan base there. The censorship and threats of doxxing is also there.
Gateway rin to for learning more about the applications of crypto.
Thanks @adamada, that's right, one of the reasons that I hopped on to this platform is crypto. Wanted to learn how it worked.
What are your plans on the platform sa short term (<6months) and long term (>6months)? If you can choose your super power, what kind of power would that be?
Wow. Fast talk with @adamada?
Short term:
Nurture team culture with my Hive group
Blog about financial literacy
Long term:
Build a financial literacy community
Super power:
Foresight so I could know what to do in the future
Grabe, na curious lang po.
Re Short and Long Term Goals: Gusto ko yan. Financial literacy is what I advocate rin but not on the crypto side yet. Looking forward sa mga posts mo under those themes.
Re Superpower: I don't you need that power when you already told me what you plan to do na.