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RE: My gardening hobby starts again / Meine Gartenarbeit fängt wieder an

in Hive PH6 days ago

I hope the exams went well for your daughter...I'm sure they did😇

Your garden looks lovely. We moved into our house in November of '23. Last summer we kept planning to start a garden, but the previous owner had all kinds of things growing in the garden area. We didn't know what was a weed and what was planned. So we hesitated to tear anything up. This year, I realize I own the property😄. I'll just tear it all up and start fresh. There are already pots and garden beds set up. I just have to provide top soil and seeds.

Anyway, your garden is a motivator. Looks great. I'll watch the calendar. I know the time is close for planting.

Have fun in your garden, and I hope you enjoy your fresh-grown vegetables.


I'm lucky now that we have year-long summer 😝. So I can basically plant something all year long.
I just hope that I can cultivate eurepean veggies successfully too here and don't have to fight with slugs LOL.
Because those veggies are expensive. Sometimes we're craving western style salad too 😊.
And good luck with yours by the way.Hi @agmoore thank you for the encouragement too.