Bright and early day today!
The curtains in my room are so thin the morning light wakes me at 5 AM. Early bird catches the early worm they say. Well I certainly found myself with nothing to do other than have a cold shower. Refreshing.
Only a masochist will smile when they shiver... HAHAAHHAHA
My family has a tendency to add things to what I am saying and worse say I am wrong in what I say. Kind of annoying and I don't want to get angry with them. I don't like myself when I start to get angry. No point. Nothing but blood rushing for nothing since there is really no fighting around me to begin with.
Stop getting triggered....
All self inflicted.
All needing me to discover myself.
I probably will not last long if I don't learn.
It is not their fault, I am just not patient enough, but don't piss me OFF! LOL
Jose Rizal Day.
Walking to the Mercado, traffic was diverted. Not sure why so I walk in on this ritual. Where national anthems are played and the city officials and dignitaries are all present to commemorate a national hero. He was and is still a mentor for me t emulate within me. Of course being a mere mortal I am not always succeeding. It is better than having no direction.
Life is nothing but full of moments you fill with anything encountered along a path you travel on.
Destiny only takes you so far when you yourself are not guided by something or someone of high standard.
Questioning myself on mine own merit seems so hard and is a struggle in order to steel my spirit.
Is this the journey of self discovery I am in right on this path before me, winding around some bend?
I don't know. All I can do is walk a step at a time. Hope in all hope I don't trip and falter.
Later ya'll.
Drop in say hello.
keep walking~
Sweating like a pig...
looking for buko juice