Philippines: The New Fire Nation

in Hive PH11 months ago

Hey there Hivers! Seeing the title there might shock you, but is it true? Sorry to burst your bubble, but bending powers don't exist here in the real world. However, the undeniable fact that the temperatures here are higher than ever begs to differ.

The screencap is from the show: Avatar: The Last Airbender

From all the Avatar knowledge I have stocked inside my brain, the Philippines is comparable to the Fire Nation. Both have warm climates and both the Philippines and The Fire Nation have different volcanoes. Fun fact: The Philippines has 300 volcanoes! Don't worry, only a few are active. But the Philippines don't really have firebenders walking around lol.

The screencap is from the show: Avatar: The Last Airbender

The summer season here in the Philippines has caused some schools to transition into online or modular classes. My school on the other hand, just sends their students and faculty "stay hydrated" messages HAHA. I appreciate their will to help students however they can, but maybe following suit with what the Department of Education here is the smarter choice Most private schools here in the Philippines have announced that they are resuming their classes, and I can't do anything about that. The heat when I come home from school is literally the worst because I get to come home at around 1 PM and that's usually the time when the sun is at its peak.

49ff5d78-6d0b-45eb-afe0-19c52c1bd9e1.jpg These are my classmates who I sometimes come home with hehe

Sweat dripping from 30 seconds of walking in this heat just hits really differently. Like girl, I just wanna fetch some water to drink, why am I drenched in sweat? It is so hot here that people like my mother who barely turn on their AC (Air Conditioner), just admit defeat and turn them on. For the first time in forever, my mother has agreed to turn on our AC for days in a row. Even I get scared of that fact. Cause my mom used to tell my brother and me off from turning on our AC lol. This summer has my mom shaking in her boots despite the heat because of that electricity bill haha

The summer heat used to not bother me as a kid. I even left fans off while I was alone in our house cause I thought that it was unnecessary. Now, I can't move without sweating profusely. I was cautious about the electricity consumption as well. I still am, if I'm being honest. But the heat we have now is just so different. Kids used to go out during the summer to fly some kites and play. Now, kids are stuck inside their homes to get away from the heat.

I prefer being inside, but I also like going outside from time to time. To walk outside with friends or have picnics. I like playing volleyball, just without the heat. I also don't like the fact that the sun is ruining any skin care product I put on my face.


From what I've observed from looking at the temperature daily since April, the average temperature is around 32-34°C. That's almost as hot as the average temperature of a person (which we all learned from science class) is 37°C. Our bodies perceive the temperature quite differently. That's why when we look at the temperature in our phones, we see the phrase "feels like __°C". The heat from our bodies adds to the heat we feel outside of it, I think. Please correct me if I'm wrong hehe.

Speaking of the Fire Nation, the solar eclipse just happened yesterday on April 8. Unfortunately, the Philippines is an area where the eclipse cannot be seen. If you have pictures of the eclipse from yesterday, please comment them down below. From all the eclipse photos and videos I saw on social media today from people who were able to witness the eclipse, they're really pretty. I want to see the same enthusiasm from my dear Hivers hehe.

Thank you so much for reading this far my dear readers, and thanks a lot for being there while I complain about this unbearable temperature we have in the Philippines. I'm hoping that the next summer season here won't be as warm as the one we are having right now. And I hope that you guys are comfy right now with the temperature you guys have hehe. Until the next one, I'll see you guys in the next one!


People need to stay hydrated Ma'am @alme and we also need to plant more trees

Of course, I agree with your statement @diamondinthesky. We recently had a class about climate change and we really need to plant more tress 🤞💙

Keep safe always @alme

Thank you @chimegipamus, you stay safe as well. Thank you for reading my blog! 🤞💙

The high temperature really is unbearable sometimes. Stay safe and hydrated po!

Thank you @reshychannn! I hope you stay hydrated too. Stay safe din po always 🤞💙