Are you familiar with this catchy religious music? Back in the 90's this song was so popular in my country because of the World Youth Day. St. Pope John Paul II visited the Philippines and this was the official theme song of the international event.
Many years after I first heard this I didn't think I would finally understand the lyrics. This time it's not just a song to sing and perform the actions to the lyrics. No, this time I finally know what the song is saying. (After reading Mark 5:1-20, this song popped up in my head.)

How I Finally Understood This Religious Song
You know what they say about sad songs? We won't understand the lyrics until we are in a depressed state right? Wait, let me share the exact quote:
When you're happy you enjoy the music. When you're sad you understand the lyrics. - Frank Ocean.
Well apparently it's the same thing with Christian music. We will not truly understand the lyrics until we get to know God. Hallelujah!
If you've been reading my posts since 2023, you'll know what happened to me and what I've been doing lately. The most recent thing I've started doing is reading the Bible as much as I can. 😂
You know what they say that Catholics don't read their Bibles, right? Yes because it's so true. So many of us are Catholics by name only and never by action. That's why when I finally discarded my old self (thank you Lord) it is but natural that I would start reading the Bible eventually.
Believe it or not the last time I read the Bible from cover to cover was back in high school. That was so many years ago! And it was the King James Version at that! Not even a Catholic Bible because that's the only one we have at home. 😆 And discovering the difference of the Bible versions is... well I also wrote about it here: Amazing 2023, Part 2: Road to Being a Devout Christian!
Anyway even after my so-called spiritual renewal since Lent 2023 I still find it hard to bring myself to read the Bible. I mean, I've long stopped reading books. Seriously. I even wrote about the bad habit I developed years ago: 6 Ways to Curb Your Tsundoku (Buying Books and Not Reading Them)
Since 2023 I have started reading books again but it's not like I read a lot like I used to. I do more online reading now but ebooks are still a bane for me. The last "real" book I read lately was Exorcist Volume III by Fr. Jocis Syquia.
I have been avoiding reading the Bible for many months. Despite getting a new Catholic Bible last year I still haven't read it all. 😂 It even took 2 years before I finally did start trying to read daily. Like come on, what's so hard about reading right? 😆
Fast forward to last week I started reading the Bible again. This time I started with the Gospels. Yeah I've finally been reading more than once a week. Haha.
A few hours ago I was reading the Gospel of Mark. Am already on chapter 5 so I read through until verse 20 and voila! A song suddenly popped in my head! Something I haven't thought of in a long time.
Here's the official music video back in 1995:
Well I did remember this song last year but it was still just a catchy religious tune to my ears then. This time I finally know what it really means. Glory to God in the highest! 🙌
The Story Behind the Song
Do you wanna know how the song came to be? Watch this! Here is the songwriter/composer herself! It's mostly in English so you'll understand most of it.
What is the Message of 'Tell the World of His Love'?
As you can see, I have been sharing more about God since I've returned to God's flock a few years ago. No I DO NOT have plans of being an evangelizer or hardcore proselytizer at all. 😅 However I cannot stop myself from sharing about the Lord. 😆
It's just like anything else we post online. When we like Marvel movies and comics, we keep sharing and talking about them on social media. If we enjoy singing, we share videos of ourselves belting out songs we like. So my sharing and posting things about God is no different. This is naturally what people do depending on whatever topics we are into.
And so let me share what I finally understood about this song. If you've read the story of the healing of the Gerasene demoniac by Jesus (from Mark's Gospel), you may relate the song to what He told the exorcised man.

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What does this passage mean? Jesus tells us to spread the Good News to everyone. And what does the song say? We must "tell the world of His love" and more!
Here's parts of the lyrics:

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The words that are apt to the Bible verses are:
And sends those who hear
To bring the message to everyone
In a voice loud and clear
And the words that hit home for me are:
Search the world for those who have walked astray
And lead them home...
Walk every step, every mile, every road
And tell the world
Tell the world of His love
For what is God but love and mercy? (1 John 4:8, James 5:11) And these days many people are always complaining how evil people are. Watch the news, scroll your newsfeed on any social media and you'll see how destitute the world has become.
And yet people do not pray for conversion of sinners. We see all these people committing crimes and spreading hurt and pain yet all we do is get angry at what we see and read. That does not help at all! Anger (wrath) is one of the 7 Deadly Sins you know. Prayer is the best thing we can do instead especially when we are far from the people involved. 🙏 One prayer doesn't even take a minute to say!

This is why there is a great need to share God's love and mercy to everyone. And thus Tell the World of His Love is very apt for everyone in this generation. Let us all do our part in making God's teachings known worldwide. We can do it in any way we can. It's not even hard at all. 😁
Look, an Updated Song Version After 30 Years!
This year is the song's 30th anniversary and here's something new for us! Ms. Trina Belamide made a church-friendly version. Check it out!
Hey she even made a tenor and alto song version guide. Haha. Here's the alto one. I love it!
Anyway I hope you appreciate the song as much I do now. If we want to get into Heaven, we have to repent of our sins not just once but continuously until we are purged and sanctified. And how can many of us do that if nobody tells us about God's infinite love and mercy? Let's tell the world of His love from now on!
So what do you think of this song now? Have you ever heard of it or no? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments!