Sure it didn't all happened in a flash or maybe overnight, but my journey this semester occurred faster than my usual year. It's still fresh in my memory how I patiently waited for my class schedule, certificate of enrollment, and new section. Yet, here I am now saying goodbye to the Final Term of the first semester after taking the examinations. This semester have surely developed my skills and personality into something far from what I was when I was still starting here. I made friends, became more motivated to improve academically, and to be able polish my skills and learn something new.
Among my journey this year, there's one significant thing that stood out to hone another aspect of my personality, and that is pressure. Somehow, I've adapted how to work with that because the waves of this semester almost had drowned and sunk me to its deepest trench. This year made me realized the struggles of a graduating student and made me strive harder until the last straw of the Final Exams. I once thought that my previous experiences in dealing with pressure was enough, but it was until a tidal wave of school activities happened when I was relaxing on shore.
I was just like this sunflower chain on my bag, striving to be the sunshine amidsts the darkness of my those intrusive thoughts derived from the pressure I was receiving. But someone told me to take it easy, handle it block by block. So I did, I shed a petal on every block of things that glooms before its shines finally withered.
"Compartmentalize, take it easy, a step at a time..." It was my coach's exact words.
Who else wouldn't lost in the sea of workloads if you are loaded with 26 units in a semester, a minimum of 300 hours rendered for the on the job training, aside from the two different research and a project report, not to mention the assignments, lessons you have to study, performance tasks, and exams. Yes, it's a tidal wave of lined up activities and fast approaching deadlines!
I would like to give my best shot in everything, that's why I easily get disappointed if I see that my team mates were doing it only for compliance. Hence, they have given me that agitated face during the process of making our project report.
We have to conduct a research about a BPO company, and interview with their representative was included. We sent a letter request for it to two different companies, waited for weeks, but all in vain because it was rejected. We can't make it before the deadline if we would look for another one, so our last resort was to interview a tenure employee to gather the data we wanted. After that, it was cramming time because the deadline wouldn't adjust on our part.
We have done it on the mall, on my apartment, at school, and in one of our team mates' house only to get it done before its due. As we know, a research project couldn't be good if your team didn't quarrel and friendships weren't tested. Yes, we had it too, and I was one of the instigator of the fight. Sometimes, I have to express what I really felt, straightforwardly, just to make them work and to discipline them. I'm like everybody's mother everywhere I go.
The same thing happened with this Chorale Contest. We had a series of practice with arguments just to perform this finally up on stage. I couldn't possibly share a video, aside from I don't have a copy, I'm not proud of it. After a lot of practice, it wasn't still good. All is done, by the way, can't reverse the time to rehearse it more.
After that exhausting trip of fate in a semester, I had the leisure to hear the waves and watch the sunset. I gracefully watched until it bids goodbye to daytime with this semester in mind. It sets out too with our sleepless nights, number of missed meals, and drained minds.
A party we deserved can compensate with that, wherein a day which we can be just happy without thinking of all the upcoming deadlines and just enjoy the waves in the sea, and literally, swim on it. This semester was a roller coaster of tasks and emotions, but on another perspective, it has instilled valuable camaraderie and life skills we can use to face the reality outside the school premises.
well done! keep it up.
Thanks. Next year ulit. Haha
You survive this, the challenges ahead will be lot easier.
I'm looking forward. Thanks for dropping by, Ate.