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RE: Life Update: My Sister's Still in ICU

in Hive PH4 months ago

Greetings @ybanezkim26 ,

The situation indeed seems dire...I am happy to hear your sister has family and friends....I also hope she is a believer in Jesus Christ. As Christ has promised to never leave us or forsake us.

It is faith alone in Christ alone for salvation as written in John 3.16..For you see God loved the world so much that He sent His uniquely born Son (Jesus Christ) so that whosoever/anyone who believes in Him, shall not perish but have Eternal Life.

Once we are believers He promises to deliver us through the problems or from the problems. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ...Psalm 23 can be of great comfort in this well as John 14.

Thinking and praying for you and your family, Kind Regards, Bleujay


Thank you so much! 🙏