"Cleaning and repairing"

in Hive PHlast year

Hi! Hello! Hello! My very beautiful and handsome hive family. It is my pleasure to wish you all a happy weekend, a time to relax, and a time to stay away from stressful work and studies.

So now I would like to share my day with you all, since we have no class, I and my co-worker do chores in the house and fix what needs to be fixed.

A beautiful sky

Early in the morning, the people in the house start to work even before breakfast, sweeping around the house and preparing for breakfast.

Since we have no class because it's a holiday, as a worker we still have responsibilities to do. it's been a long time since we have repair and clean up drive, unclogging the gutter so that the water will easily flow during the rainy season.


a back view of our house

Filled with trees like nature in the comfort of your own house, but the problem is the leaves falling.
You need to clean the roof twice a month because if you do not, then your roof will be in so many leaves that you will not dare to just watch.

A clean roof

neat and clean roof

I'm the only one who can climb to our roof because they are all scared to fall, but for me, it's fun to climb in high places. Because when I was in our province, high trees were our playground. I'm not scared of heights but I'm afraid of falling.

My monkey skills are very useful when we start to clean up in high places. It is a great day to move and do responsibilities because I have stored energy from eating a lot even now I am hungry for food.

Before we take our snacks I fixed the part where it used to be a mini window of my ate lamec, for the reason that we have an upcoming visitor that will stay in her room for a week and we need to cover that up.

DIY window cover

It's ugly outside but when go inside It looks Good and that's just what we wanted, even though it looks a little bit ugly outside the important thing is that inside will not look horrible.

I learned how to mix cement create DIY covers, etc, because when I was a child I always men working, or even when my father was working here I messed things up because of my curiosity, but it turns out I'm good in the part that he is good also.

leaves cover

My co-worker is complaining about the leaves coming through the big hole at the top of her room that's why I put a temporary cover to prevent the leaves from coming inside her room. Just a few nails and do.

delicious pan cake

After very hard work from cleaning the gutter, to cleaning our storage room because it is very messy, I put a cover on the window and cover for the leaves not enter the room of my co-worker.

We deserve a yummy snack, we cooked pancakes and some glass noodles, sweet and carbs for energy to go another round in cleaning.

pancake with bihon

If you are wondering why my co-worker is not on the set is that she has another responsibility as a kitchen cleaner, she cleans the kitchen like she never cleaned it before.

I know you have time also cleaning and grooming your house, the feeling after cleaning is a feeling that money cannot buy. When it's your time to clean and repair your home, just enjoy and take your time like never before.

Happy weekend hive world, God bless all of you, and let's remember that a clean surroundings reflect you.
If you like to clean then for sure it will put a smile on your face.

Thank you for reading my blog I hope you enjoyed it, I hope you like cleaning and repairing as much as I do. Thank you all.❤️❤️❤️


Thank you for cleaning @chaparlepez you did great.

Your welcome @chimegipamus chimegipamus

"I'm not scared of heights but I'm afraid of falling." My intrusive thoughts in high places: JUMP!!!

Hahahahaha we all have that though that will suddenly goes into our mind telling us to jump hahahha

It's so nice to see that's it's all clean now! You did great @chaparlepez!

na disturbo ko sa pagkaon😫