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RE: Nice to meet you.

in Hive PHlast year

There really is a lot to greet to and all, but all I can say (collectively) is my biggest THANK YOU for welcoming me here. If I were to be honest myself, I thought such an introduction wouldn't be welcome because, knowing people, I may be too geeky and stuff. (I couldn't articulate this enough, but I've actually met people who don't like the way I do). But hey, thanks a lot and welcome to my sanctuary!

Anyway, I'd like to share something (as well as discuss) for a fun fact: Did you know that the headers and dividers look different if you'd switch modes? Try changing your Light/Dark mode preference on Settings, then come back here.

It's just some little thing I made, but while I feel sorta sad no one instinctively figured out, maybe now you guys know. So, tell me, are you guys using Light mode? Or Dark mode? How did the change go? Did it work? Heehee~.