It's normal to feel weak to write sometimes, there were days, I feel like not even going to my keyboard at all but the passion I have for writing doesn't let me be when I don't write, it makes me feel left out. Sometimes, just going through the post of others gives me motivation to write too.
One thing I understand with writing is, the more you write, the more you would be motivated to write,when you cease writing you start feeling lazy to write and eventually you loose that inner force that often compels you to write. So even when you don't feel like writing, just write, just like the farmer, I believe it's not all the time that he feels like going to farm yet he still goes so that weed would not overtake his crops.
Wow! What a beautiful comment. It motivates me more to continue writing. Thank you. Keep on commenting on posts like this. You don't know how you touched hearts. Seriously. 😍
Smiles.. wow! I am speechless but thank you so much for the compliment and I really happy I was able to encourage you. I will surely be visiting. We are here for one another, just like an iron sharpens an iron, so we ignite each other.
Thanks once again😊🥰
The way you leave a word, I think it comes always from the bible. 😅 Are you a JW?
LoL.. I am not 😊😊