Biopsychosocial Attributes In Entering The Threshold of the Late 20s: The Case For a 26-Year Old Zaira
This is an attempt to write a birthday greeting to Zaira in Research Form. As a friend, she deserves a very special way of saying Happy Birthday, and it’s been such a tough month for her. I hope she knows how much of an amazing person she is and that she believes that.
The mid-20s happen to be the most complex crossroads in life (Dadol, 2021). Time has crawled onto the skin, and the pressure of building a life starts to seep in. However, this is not the case for all. A female Homo sapiens in the name of Zaira happens to resist the urge of setting goals for her future. She lives in the principle of daily survival and surrenders herself to the wave of daily decisions. Whether she is in denial of the clarity of her future or not, one thing is for sure: she is scared of 26.

Figure 1: Testimonial evidence on the fear of 26
Her life at the moment is pretty much in the mid-air. She is in the middle of the idleness of the farm view, the random rush of the entrepreneurial demands of her beverage business, the weird direction of her teaching career, and the uncertainty of her graduate studies. Pretty much, she should be in prime, but it doesn’t concern her. In fact, the completeness of her day relies on a sip of her coffee, the intimacy of her dogs, and the cravings for self-sufficiency.
As a 25-year old Homo sapiens, she tried to get out of her little comfort world. She went to the city a lot, met new people, made someone fall in love, and started exploring her areas of vulnerability. While the story arch of her romantic journey for someone with research schema for this particular study was short-lived, she made some breakthroughs for herself. More so, a lot of it will ensue before she becomes 26 on February 8th.
According to Random Made-up Thought in My Head (2022), the age of 26 is the threshold of the late 20s. In this specific age range, Homo sapiens experience a lot of self-awareness crises. There have been studies published in My Made-up Literature Journal on this particular scope of the study. Particularly, Dadol (2019) suggests it is imperative to completely assess the characteristic of Homo sapiens. This particular assessment allows for an individual to acknowledge strengths so they can maximize them as they enter the age of 26.

Figure 2: Self-proclamation of the biopsychosocial identity in the IG bio
Zaira also considers herself as a motivated biopsychosocial organism. According to My Lazy To Search So I Rely On My Random Morphology Dissection (2022), it refers to a well-driven biological, physical, and social person. With such in mind, these could be the basis in the conducting of the assessment.
There have been vital assessments for Zaira being done before, but none has been focused on her biopsychosocial attributes in preparation of 26, especially for this particular endeavor. This study aims to specifically do that, so that on her 26th Birthday on February 8, 2022, bravery would come to her in the back of her hand as her strong attributes are systemically laid out.
Research Problem
This study aims to assess the biopsychosocial attributes of Niña Zaira Montebon as she enters the threshold of her late 20s. Furthermore, it aims to describe the strong characteristics of the subject to highlight how well she has established as a new 26-year old Homo sapiens.
The research design applied for this study is qualitative in nature, especially a Research-Themed Birthday Greeting Design. It makes use of the method called “Stalking” as coined by Marites (1000 B.C.).
This particular method utilizes access to Facebook, Messenger, Twitter, and Instagram as the main sources of primary and secondary data. Photo artifacts, verbatim quotes, and random access to memory are made use to support findings.
In analyzing the data, a Subjective but Genuine Data Analysis of Dadol (2021) was applied. In this particular interpretation of data, the researcher’s heart is completely integrated into the assessment of character. While this might sound like something with a taint of bias, it is also important to note that the researcher embodies a person full of admiration, which matters the most.
From the subjective thematization extracted from the Stalking of primary and secondary data, the Zaira model was formulated.
Five strong characteristics of Zaira have generated: Zeal to Camaraderie, Adaptability to Social Dynamics, Introspection, Ravishing Beauty, and Authenticity.
First and foremost, the biological attribute is her Ravishing Beauty. Secondly, the psychological attributes are her Introspection and Authenticity. Finally, the social attributes are Zeal to Camaraderie and Adaptability to Social Dynamics.

Figure 3: The Zaira Model in Entering the Late 20s
Zeal to Camaraderie
Describing Zaira to be Zealous should be contextualized. Otherwise, she wouldn’t believe it. For one, she can be pretty much overwhelmed with too much passion and commitment. Secondly, she prefers to live by with her daily decision of affection.

Figure 4: Zaira’s spontaneous sleep-over with city friends
However, this is not the case when it comes to her friends. Zaira, despite her low social battery, gives a lot of zeal to her small circle. Because she is away from a lot of her friends, she makes sure to connect to them when she’s in the city.
This allows her to receive an intense amount of loyalty from her friends. Though she gets drained after an evening shot, a sleepover, or a short-time adventure, she makes sure everyone had a good time.
In her entry to the late 20s, the relationship you have with friends is a vital point (Random Though in my Head, 2022). Hence, this strong sense of perception towards friendship allows Zaira to be a beacon of connection.
Adaptability to Social Dynamics
Zaira also happens to be a Social Butterfly. It is indeterminate to assess to what extent. At times, she could easily fill in any discussion and be a chameleon of personality. Other times, she would just stay quiet and observe the social dynamics at play.
One thing is for sure though, she is very adaptable. She might contest this finding as she believes that one of her limitations is the struggle to accept personal mistakes, but the data suggests her sense of adaptability goes deeper into her sociological endeavors.
She says she doesn’t have goals, and that she resides on her daily needs to make decisions. This allows her to be flexible and go through what she needs to survive. In a way, she has demonstrated a huge amount of adaptability with the rapid change of demands from everyone and everything around her. She has juggled her time in school, business, work, family, friends, and even relationships. She became a lot of people in different shoes. It is quite draining, but she fully immerses herself in it nevertheless.
On one of her accounts in 2018, she has established that 27 is the best age for her to get married. This means she only has a year to find the love of her life to spend her future with. However, with her current self at the moment, this might have changed. Thus, establishing how adaptive she is, even in some regards: her plans.

Figure 5: The Perfect Age for Zaira to get married (2018)
Still, this could particularly change. With a lot of her internal play, it could be possible for Zaira to get married a year later. This, in a way, is also a sign of adaptability to her current disposition.
This particular trait of hers is a huge asset in becoming 26. If there’s one thing being 24 and 25 taught her, it is the presence of unexpected things – the pandemic, among all things. This sense of motility in being able to be molded for certain scenarios allows her to be a Homo sapiens ready for change.
Introspection is one of the things she clearly possesses. Although she requires a bit of time to process some things, especially about herself, she never fails to stand out in her intrapersonal skills.
Zaira always knows when to halt and look closely in her heart. She is an introvert in a lot of ways, and this suggests how much time for herself she needs to recharge.
Her words are always a product of deep thought and ego-free perceptions. You can tell that she is a lady of substance, and how well-read she is. Her mind is a buffet of psychological and philosophical concepts, and when you talk to her, it’s always a feat.
One funny artifact retrieved from her IG Highlights is her desire to be a local bookshop owner and has a secret affair with a poet. This shows how much she values wisdom and the love for acquiring bits of knowledge. She somehow strives to achieve self-transcendence, perhaps trying to skip other needs in Maslow’s hierarchy. Also, this shows that she always has a deep romantic inclination to the poets.

Figure 6: 28-week old Highlight
One might think how close-minded Zaira is upon the immediate conversation of a specific argument by her lack of response, but she only departs for a moment to think about her position in the picture. She does not want anyone to get hurt, but she has to be true to herself.
When faced with tribulations, Zaira tries to master her personal emotions. She is a product of sincerity and intense self-awareness. This great sense of character is a strong asset as she explores the uncertain waters of the late 20s.
In her transition to becoming 26, this strong sense of introspection will be a big edge for her. It is going to be a melting pot of all adulthood needs, and her strong of sense self will come into handy.
Ravishing Beauty
It doesn’t take a lot of heavy mathematics to say that Zaira inhibits a great sense of pulchritude. She is pretty, has good taste, and has a very attractive body figure. Most importantly, she has a good smile.
She could pull off anything she does with her hair. She ties it, hangs it, or even doesn’t do anything with it. Nevertheless, it always drops at the perfect places.

Figure 7: Spontaneous styling of a red shirt
You can give her an oversized red shirt and she could style it in the most fashionable way. She always looks good, and it always confused the researcher how she could manage that even right after she wakes up.
It’s never a dull moment dining with Zaira – the way she moves her hair, her raising of the brow when she noticed she’s being stared at by the researcher, and her eye roll that makes any heart jump with glee. When she smiles, genuinely, it seems like all the wonders in the world is being summoned to cover any negative feeling for that single moment.

Figure 8: Beach pictures
The beach is one with her, and she shines the most when the salt air embraces her bare body. In a lot of good ways, she becomes the sun. Even from a distance, she always conjures a smile. She is hopeful that as a 26-year old, she would shine more like a beach gal. She also loves the mountains, by the way.
According to the standard metrics of Best Zaira Looks as a 25-Year Old (2021), she was able to pull off a perfect 10 with an outfit she wore for an art gallery date with the researcher. She oozes awe and radiance with the way she carries herself, and how she agrees that she looks good.

Figure 9: Zaira in a white, very beautiful
All in all, she has ravishing beauty, and she knows this. However, she always tries to resist this compliment with the notion that the researcher is biased towards her. This is systematically a loose response because the basis for the judgment comes from a peer-reviewed systematic approach to beauty assessment. Research does not lie.
Zaira is the kind of person who values authenticity. She never tries please anyone, and never strives to fill her ego. She just wants to be herself, and wants everyone around her to be themselves as well.
According to Eugene’s Made-up Research Definition (2022), authenticity is the feeling when you allow yourself to be happy in the sincerest way. You don’t depend on someone’s judgment; you simply just express the joy because that’s who you are in the moment. Zaira displays that, but it’s pretty obvious to some things.
For instance, she is the most authentic when it comes to her dogs, especially the late Combi. She says she doesn’t overgive, but when it comes to Combi, she gives a lot.

Figure 10: Combi <3
Zaira is a dog whisperer, and these creatures come to her like a mother. Every moment she spent with Combi was always beautiful, as she was just herself. They share a certain bond that will forever be treasured in her heart.
When Combi passed away, it was extremely difficult for Zaira. It was pretty inevitable with the slow decay of Combi’s health, but it was still tragic news nevertheless. She took some time to reflect and grieve, but she will always miss the gentle creature. It has been her best friend, her lover, her child – and she has grown a lot with Combi’s companion.
This is where she roots her authenticity from. Dogs are there because of who you are, and nothing more or less. It could only be assumed that Combi would be happy with how far Zaira has become, to be able to control herself even when Combi was gone. She showed a huge deal of strength and a perpetual love that will be a beautiful extension to her entering the late 20s.
Overall, Zaira is someone who the researcher really values a lot. She will always be special in his heart. As a 26-year old Homo sapiens, she has all these traits to bring with her ready to tackle life’s challenges.
Zai, Happy (no pressure) 26th birthday. Take care and enjoy life.