Damn that's so scary!!! I don't want that to happen ever, especially potentially harming others too. That sounds like me as well and I think sleep apnea might be a better possibility than narcolepsy. What you said was on point too.
I also recently went to the dentist and their comments were like "do you grind your teeth?" and I have a night guard now as well. But... the first time I wore my night guard, I had a dream of wearing a night guard and it was annoying me so bad that I was removing it in my dream but somehow can still feel it.. I eventually woke up and realized that I was grinding my teeth and also biting it so hard that it went to my dream haha.
Ahhh that sucks. I'm quite looking forward for a CPAP machine that may potentially finally give me a GOOD proper sleep cos i don't mind having stuff wrapped around my face but I didn't really realize having a dry mouth and throat would be an issue. :<
Honestly the way you described the brain being so stressed because of the low oxygen might just be the reason of my ever stressful dreams. My poor brain. 🤣 Glad you found what works for you. I also will have to look for a doctor maybe for that and see what they will say.
How did you do parasite detox?
If you wanna go the doctor route (personally try not to feed into the medical scamistry as much as possible), but you can always request a stool sample to test for parasites from your doctor. For me, I just did a bunch of research and found out about a Herb called Wormwood, you can purchase it as an extract tincture, so I tried this + I bought a bag of the herb dehydrated...just fyi Wormwood tastes absolutely horrible (I understand why it kills them 🤣), so I also purchased some empty capsules & I jam the herb or the extract inside the capsules to make my own "pills" so I don't have to taste it. I also learned that many de-wormer/ani-parasitic medications used by veterinarians on animals and pets are also safe for Humans (as long as you take the correct dosage based on weight), So about once a month I purchase Ivermectin Paste which seems to do the job a lot faster/more effectively than the herb does. Would definitely suggest DYOR to educate yourself on the topic of parasites & anti-parasitic options. I literally just finished my 3rd day ina row for my detox this month taking Ivermectin & already started having more improved sleep again. Generally its good to do at least a monthly detox as its easy to pick up more/they lay eggs inside our bodies so if you kill off the adults/larvae, the eggs just hatch later & survive.