jemzem cross-posted this post in Hive PH 4 years ago

Unexpected Escapade : Kalanggaman and Malapascua Island

in OCD4 years ago (edited)


At around 10 o'clock in the evening, my friend chatted with me borrowing a summer dress that she had shown in my FB profile picture. I told her that it wasn't mine and, I only borrowed it from one of our close friends. I thought she would be using it in her photoshoot, still out of curiosity I asked her why she needed it. Then she told me that they will be going to two islands tomorrow. I just replied, "ah okay!". Then, later on, she chatted again asking me to join them on their trip. I told her, give me time to think but, with just a few seconds I said YES. LOL. And that's where my Kalanggaman and Malapascua island adventures begin.

After I confirmed, my friend Kate told me to get ready and that we will meet at 12 midnight. What???, meaning no more sleeping. We must be early to catch the first trip going to Maya Port. I sighed and started to think if I made the right decision. But, there is no turning back as I already said yes. Also, I didn't want my friend to be disappointed plus I'm the kind of person that goes with what is planned it may be unexpected or not.


Luckily everything goes smoothly not until our embarrassing yet funny experience happened. While waiting for the first trip at the port, we are asked to fill out the "manifesto" with our names for the reservation. Then the staff told us to go and find a pump boat named Kings. When we saw it, and out of excitement we hurriedly rode in there. Never did we know that there are many pump boats with the same name. Later, we noticed that everyone we're wearing green shirts except us. They are staring blankly at five of us and maybe asking themselves if what are we doing there? Then, we realized that we rode the wrong boat. We are with politicians who are going to have a campaign on the island. Because of embarrassment, we only looked on one side and together we cover our faces with my big towel, silently laughing at our mistake for the whole trip. But I knew that our adventure will be great as it started with fun and enjoyment.


When we are about to onboard at the island, we are mesmerized by its bird shapes like with crystal blue water and white sand beach. It's a perfect place to relax and have fun with your friends and loved ones. We just ignored the heat of the sun and continue enjoying like a child. Indeed, it's one of the best adventures in my life. Surely, I'll go back to this island soon.


I was captivated by the beauty of the island. But I suddenly felt sad because I did not bring any extra clothes for swimming. I'm not really fond of beaches as I'm afraid to swim due to my past drowning experience. It gives me trauma though. But this island is unique as if the water is calling you to swim in. Luckily, my friend handed me a pink swimsuit. I was about to get it but for me, it's too revealing since I don't have any confidence wearing swimsuits. But, when I saw most of the ladies are wearing it, I now have the guts to try it. At least my first swimsuit experience will be memorable as it happened on this wonderful island. I don't know when will I wear swimsuit again, maybe someday. LOL

We had our breakfast at the resort we stayed in. It looks reasonable yet delightful. My tummy is super happy, alive, and kicking.

At dinner time, we went outside to roam around and decided to have our dinner in one of the food stalls there. There are lots of food stalls to choose from serving a variety of dishes such as pork, chicken, beef, seafood, etc. All are superb!


It's time to bid farewell to two of the most incredible island in the Philippines; Malapascua, and Kalanggaman. Unexpected journeys are sometimes full of surprises, excitement, and thrill but they are mostly the best. It's great to be with you my dear Kalanggaman and Malapascua island. I'll leave you with a smile in my heart. I will surely visit you someday, and I will always shout to the world how wonderful and beautiful you are.
