Diary of a Student: Part 3 - Rejected to Approved

in Hive PH8 months ago

Good day to all my dear readers. Today, I will begin sharing with you my experience as a student, and this is now part 3 of my Diary. I am extremely happy; I thought there was no more chance, but apparently, there still is. Have you ever experienced getting tired to the point where you really don't want to fight anymore? Because I almost did, but I regained my strength and hope. Now, I will tell you about what happened and what I experienced as a student, and the reason why I became happy. On the day my title was rejected, I couldn't get the idea of what the actual title should be out of my mind. The good thing is, I was able to come up with five titles.



On Monday, I was able to come up with two titles and immediately proposed them to our professor. The first one is "Community Based Environmental Activity Tracking Systems." This system will help in tracking and monitoring activities in a community such as Tree Planting, Mangrove Planting, Coastal Clean-up, and others. The details of the events in a community can really be helpful, so I decided to work on this. The second title is "Home Door Security Alarm Systems." This aims to help people who are often victims of theft. It works by detecting using sensors when someone tries to force open the door, triggering an alarm and sending a notification to a phone app to alert the homeowner of the intrusion.


As I was on my way to our professor's office, I passed by Naga plaza to catch some fresh air before heading to our school to have it checked if it was correct. I was really nervous, fearing that it might not be accepted. When I entered our faculty room and faced our professor, I immediately presented the titles. However, when our professor read them, he said that they couldn't be accepted because someone else had already proposed similar ones. I felt disappointed. Then I presented my second title, and our professor said it was too common and already existing. Once again, my proposed title was rejected.




Before I was able to come up with the third title, I suddenly felt hungry, so I ate pancit canton with egg and bread because I was already experiencing a severe headache from overthinking. After eating, I started brainstorming for the third title, and what I came up with was "Private Chat Application for Subdivision Residents System." This system is for the security of those living in a subdivision. For example, if someone wants to enter a subdivision, they would need to confirm if they know someone inside. I planned to create an app for communication between the guard and all the residents living in the subdivision to verify if the visitor's claim is true. I immediately proposed it, but once again, it got rejected.


Since we only had a half-day, my classmate and I decided to eat at Chowking. They also had their proposals rejected, so it felt like we were celebrating the moment of rejection together. After our meal, I went home immediately because my mind was already exhausted. I really didn't know what other title to propose to our professor because I felt like there was no chance anymore. Sometimes, the thought of just giving up on studying immediately crossed my mind. When I got home, I went straight to bed, and when I woke up, I saw the beauty outside my window, so I decided to take a photo of it and it gave me motivation to fight again.




On this day, I reached out to my classmates from Senior High School, especially those who pursued IT, through chat. I asked them if they had any ideas or titles for research. They suggested creating a mobile application for sign language. They explained that the application would involve capturing hand signs, and then these signs would be converted into letters or words, functioning like a keyboard. I immediately drafted a proposal for this idea, and when I presented it to our professor, they informed me that a similar concept already existed. He showed me a better version where a student created hand gestures that corresponded to sounds, constructing words. Once again, my proposal was rejected.




On this day, I came up with the fifth title that I thought of. This title was "Smart Sunlight-Responsive Laundry Drying Rack." The concept behind this title is that it can detect rain when it's raining. You know how we have laundry hanging outside and when it rains, it gets wet? This rack would automatically have a roof to prevent the laundry from getting wet. After I drafted a paper for this idea, I immediately showed it to my professor. The good thing is, he approved it right away because he found it impressive. I was incredibly happy because I thought there was no hope left for me to come up with a title. I went home immediately, and on the way, while driving, I thought of taking a photo.

The lesson I learned from this experience is that when you're feeling down, you should get back up right away because if we let life's challenges defeat us, we won't progress and learn to fight. However, not all challenges need to be faced head-on. Sometimes, when it's too much to handle, we shouldn't force ourselves to continue, and it depends on the situation. I hope you've gained something from reading my blog, and have a good day, readers.


It's okay to fail sometimes, what matters in the end is that you keep going and never ever gives up.

Yes, Failure is just a stepping stone towards success. Thank you.

Congrats for the accepted proposal and title. Gosh, when you thought wala ng hope but then boom. Giving up is never an option, you continue racking your brain just so you can think of something else. Clap clap for you coz despite all the rejection you chose to go back up and started over again. Awesome ka (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)