Essence of Tranquility | written by: @joreneagustin

in Hive PHlast year


I vividly see
the exquisite scene —
Where I see,
how the sun bent down
to kiss the blue sea.

A cup of coffee,
Book, paper and pen on a desk,
Cool breeze of wind,
Calmly rustling the leaves of the trees —
That’s the essence of tranquility.

Rough sand beneath my feet,
Cold splashes from the waves.
I hugged myself and looked above
I was skeptical, yet this scenes
taught me the redirection of my dreams.

Smiled and wandered my
gazed around —
The healing color of green,
Comforting view from the sky,
Together with waves of bIue,
Birds peacefully flew,
Sunsets in different hues,
And the splendor of night sky.

I whisper to myself:
“These transcendent beauty,
Is the place I longed to be.”

I vividly see the exquisite scene — Where I see, how the sun bent down to k_20240216_104048_0000.png