lailai1027 cross-posted this post in Hive PH 2 years ago


in Photography2 years ago



hello HIVE friends! today is friday, the most awaited day of the students in a week because tomorrow is WEEKEND, finally! haha 🤣🤣 anyway, i usually went to school an hour early before my class because i go to school with my little sister whose class starts half an hour earlier than mine. i will just sit in our room and watch YouTube reels and scroll to my social media accounts to distract my self and to avoid boredom, because who wouldn't be? I'll be sitting there for an hour.🤣

as i was saying, earlier today i got mesmerized by the beauty of the sunrise. the cloud formations are cool and the different shades and colors of the cloud are pretty awesome too! i like the lightness and darkness of the tone of it's colors that added to it's beauty. the combination of orange, yellow, blue, peach and pink colors really mix well! it looks incredibly gorgeous! plus the trees there that looked like a shadows because of the low exposure mixed well with the view too.

it was still dark that time and sunrise is just starting to happen when i took this photos, but i also lowered the exposure of this photos while I'm taking it so i can be able to took photos of the light coming from the sun beneath those huge and flappy clouds! ahh, if you look at it with our naked eyes and not in photos, you will see that the clouds look like marshmallows up close hehe. my room is located in the third floor of our building so i can perfectly see and watch the sun soaring up to the sky.







anyway, i actually took those photos in the corridor and in our rooms windows. 🤣🤣 i hope you'll like it! have a great night everyone!!