I was tired at some point with writing and distanced myself. It took me a while before I got back to it again and I told myself that I at least need some sort of goal or challenge to write. So, I decided to stop being a perfectionist and write daily while also keeping track of everything I write. Do you also struggle to find topic to write on? maybe sticking to a niche would be a good idea to be a lot more consistent with your writing. Eitherway, take things slow and just write when you want :)
How long have you been gone in Hive and get back on your track? Having a goal in writing is a great help for me too. It motivates me more to do it.
Is writing daily your normal thing now? Looking at your profile with "Joined 6 years ago" makes me wow. I am amazed at you for continuing for that long.
And you are right. I am struggling with what to write as always. So I'm trying to search and copy some niche, which is not mine. And it's not good, coz I can't completely express myself.
But now, everything changed. I'm writing with purpose and being unique.