Howdy ya'll!
Do you have your own nurse at school?
Well, we don't since our school's population is just 103. Nurses were just provided with a list of their cluster school that they have to visit and check the nutritional status and health of the learners.
So two weeks ago, one of my Schools(I was assigned with two schools by the way) were visited by Our Designated Nurse and here's a little trivia: she was still our school nurse when I was still in elementary! She is still as jolly as before and really cares for her learners.
Before her arrival, I already prepared her "mirienda" which was Tuna Pasta and Vegetable Salad with Garlic Mayo Dressing. I started early in the morning and finished just in time of her arrival.
Tuna Pasta with All Purpose Cream
Bolied/steamed banana, donated by parents
We didn't eat this during snack time so we just gave it to our Nurse to eat at home
My vegetable salad with mayo garlic dressing was a fail. I shouldn't have put the lettuce early. Should've put it when we are ready to eat.
During the previous visits, she has someone with her that helps her in doing the things she needs to do but on her last visit, she came only with her husband as her driver. Her husband can't also help because of his health condition so I decided to be her assistant for a day (or morning).
I distributed the cups where the children would pee, instruct them on what to do and to help in checking their height and weight. I was also the one dipping the test on their urine. It was one of my firsts so I was happy to have experienced it.
It was fun at first coz the kids were behaving properly but as we continued, I felt tired. I still continued my duty thinking how could one nurse could do all these work alone when it's this tiring. I was determined to finish it with her and make her rest as much as possible.
Just me putting the test swab or whatever they call it on the kids' urine
Height and Weight Check
Kids lined properly, waiting for their turn ❤️
We are also thankful for our Kindergarten Teacher who came to our rescue as soon as she's done with her class!
another urine check for the last batch
After the last child, I then sat and rested for a bit. We also ate our snacks and exchanged stories for a bit.
She left the school with a smile and that made my day. Atleast she wasn't alone. I only hope that she stays strong and young looking till she retires to atleast enjoy her moments with her family.
The following week, she also visited my other school which was a bit far than the other one.
They arrived earlier and boy, I was so glad to see that she has someone to help her. I still did help by distributing the cups and instructing the children. They already did the other stuffs. And I was given more time to prepare not only their snacks but also lunch. I prepared the ingredients while
one of the teachers cooked it.
Here are the snaps I took during their visit! ❤️ :
We are so much thankful for their visit. Their data really is helpful because they monitor the kid's growth, and that they can tell who should be given nutritional guidance.
so that's it! 😁 Thank you for reading this.
How about you guys? How's your experience with your school nurse? Have you ever experienced assisting them?
-your @mama-Ayn
Photos on the first school was taken by our Teacher, Ms. Janelyn and Nurse Cathy
Photos on the other school was taken by yours truly