In junior high school I had the most embarrassing moments of my life.
I was 13 years old, I was naive.
I moved out from my parents to go stay with my aunty because her house seemed closer to my school. I loved going to school very early. I would arrive early, sweep my portion of the school’s compound and get ready for assembly.
On this faithful day we had a math test right after assembly. I was chosen to solve a math equation on the board, I stood up excited because I was very good at math and couldn’t wait to show my mates just how good I was.
When I stood up, the guys at the back started laughing and yelling, being naive, I thought they were cheering for me so I smiled, little did I know that I had soiled my uniform with blood.. One of the guys yelled, “is that blood on your uniform”? My heart left my body. I was distressed. I shivered my way out of the classroom, rushed into the lady’s room and to my dismay I had blood stained and very visible on my uniform. I got my period for the first time.
Since that incident, I always carry some menstrual hygiene products in my bag wherever I go.
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