Our Physical health dance activity

in Hive PH2 months ago

Hello,holla,bonjour my fellow hivers.Wazzup guys,How was life?I wonder what's your new years resolution,do a comment here of your new years resolution.


Anyways, for today's blog I am going to share with you how january welcome me.Well,well,wellll..january just welcome me with a final exam.Yes you read it right a final exam after a long Christmas break.How would I remember all the topic that my instructor discussed? if I enjoyed the Christmas break.Oh... a lot of cramming happened hahahaha.

After the exam week we proceed to perform our performance task in P.E that was held in our campus mini gym take note we just practice it for only 3 or 5 days hahahah.We really crammed.

In our section we were divided into 5 groups .The dance should contain a non-locomotor exercise and locomotor exercise since it is our topic.So our practice area is beside the combento in which it has a mini playground for kids.




I decided to choose a zumba music for our dance and make an easy choreography because almost of my groupmates are not dancers and I was the only one who make the steps.

So when saturday came.Its time to showcase what we have practiced.But first thing I will gladly share how my day went before the dance performance.

In the afternoon we decide to go out of the campus to bought some food to eat since our lunch is not enough for us and we decide to boig a burger but on our way to the store we entered a mini store where it sells some ice cream so we bought an ice cream and after it we proceed to bought a burger.



Back in our P.E activity,the first group which is the group 1 was the the one who performed first and was followed by the other group.By the way this performance task is required of all the 1st year.




After performing we proceed to the building for our movie filming.Yeah,we have a movie filming since our final project for our multimedia subject is we need to create a movie.Dont worry guys,in my next blog I will share it with you my journey during our movie shoot.


It was a long and tiring day for me but it all fade out when i saw this beautiful sunset on our way home🥺.The moment I saw the sunset, it reminds me that my day is done and its time to rest and gain energy for the next day.Sunset symbolize that we need to rest in everything that makes us drained and tired,at the same time it reminds us to a new beginning


So that's it for today's blog,guys hope you enjoy my blog .See you next time my fellow hivers.Dont forget to smile🙂 spread happiness,kindness,love and peace.