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RE: Being the First and Last to Graduate Among Siblings: A Series of Heartfelt Thanks

in Hive PH5 months ago

Congratulations, @jeannmazing . All your hard work, sleepless nights, and silent tears have now paid off. You deserve all your victories.From the very beginning, I knew that you would achieve all your aspirations because I saw how hard you pushed yourself to achieve your dreams. Now that you've reached one of your goals, I'm incredibly happy and proud of you. No more drama na gyd tawn kay kapoy kaayu paminaw da imoha rant , HAHAHAHAH.


Thank you, couz! Finally, this is it! 🤙 The moment of truth. The beginning of real-life journey. I just wanna thank you that despite being a man, I could always open up to you. You always give me emotional and mental support. I'm grateful for your constant support and motivation. Thank you as well for not getting tired of hearing my rants in life, especially about my school problems and experiences. I know my dramas are repetitive, but yeah, a big thanks to you and to your partner. 🫶❤️

Repetitive to the highest level HAHAHHAHA