Bouquets Made By Fuzzy Crochet Studio

in Hive PH4 days ago

How did you spend your Valentine's Day, my dear Filipinos? Hello, and it's been a while. Yesterday I and my kids witnessed the reactions of our customer. My dear @katsuki29 thought of a business for these Valentines. Artificial flowers made up of fuzzy wires. Last Christmas she and her friend sold their stuff in front of the church. They didn't expect that people would love their work. It's the idea of Katsuki's friend to try selling it personally. My daughter is shy, so I'm the one who always posts her works on my social media account. But after experiencing the fruits of their hard work, they decided to make a page for their product.



I hope you can visit and follow the page of these two hard working students. FuzzyCrochet Studio means stuff that are made from yarns and fuzzy wires. The fuzzy are my daughter's creation while the crochet is to her friend. Here are the first batch of keychains she made. I couldn't remember how many keychains I was able to sold online.

These are the bouquets my daughter made. The hardest part was wrapping it one by one. Katsuki already want to give up, but she tried and tried and made it right. She discover the fuzzy wires while watching online. My daughter loves watching DiY crafts but before she makes a new item she assures that none of it already sells in our place.


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I started posting it last month. Because Katsuki is a college student her classes resume at the third week of January. Days after, there were no orders or private message she was already losing hope. I just told her that atleast she already finished crafting them all before her classes start. This month I'd start to post it again, I also message my friends to support my daughter's work. Unexpectedly they were all bought.

The two bouquet was even cancelled but after I repost it, it was bought again. My husband's relative and my friends support our business by sharing my post.


After my son delivery the bouquet I saw there posts in my news feed. Their smiles are more than the money they paid to us.

Thank you for reading
