Is this ad hominem in the making, @hiddenblade? 😂
Please realize how crooked your arguments are regardless of what language you're using. And please don't bring language difference as an excuse to your inexcusable perception about this topic. You can express in any language you want as I can with mine. You're proving my point. If men can't suppress their urges just because of the type of clothing women are wearing, then men are trash.
And no, there's no "agree to disagree" when it comes to topics like this. There's no mutual understanding and embracing differences in opinion. It's either you're siding with the oppressor or not.
I don't care if you think highly of me. This is not about me in the first place. This is for the victims out there who are afraid to report because of people like you who blames the victim instead of the rapist. Ad hominem don't work on me.
Tell your arguments to the victim's face and see how they will react.
RAPE IS RAPE regardless of circumstance. And for you to differentiate situations surrounding the act is flawed and very concerning. Realize that the common denominator of all those situations is the rapist. They're the ones who should be blamed. Why can't you men keep your hands to yourself? Also, hindi pamimilosopo ang paggamit ng mga argumentong nakabatay sa tunay na pangyayari.
Again, stop blaming the victim!