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RE: It's 2020 and they still blame sexual harassment on women's clothing

in Hive PH5 years ago

Yes. This won't go somewhere because you're still insisting your convoluted argument. This won't go somewhere unless you accept that what's wrong is wrong regardless of how you twist your moral compass just to fit it to your narrative. Again, there's no agree to disagree in topics like this.

Wow! The audacity to claim about knowledge in heaven. I would rather keep my moral compass in check than to partake in any knowledge that would compromise my idea of what's right and wrong. Educate yourself. See what's really happening in the world. Widen your perception. Don't be a purist. It's one of the reasons why there's some inequality and injustice in the world. Siding with the oppressor makes you an oppressor himself. It's ironic that Jesus came for the oppressed and not the oppressors. Practice what you preach.